As a Boiler Contractor in CT, All State Construction offers Industrial Boiler Services in Connecticut
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If you are looking for a Boiler Contractor in Connecticut or Mobile Boiler Rentals in Middlesex, Connecticut contact [email protected] for pricing.
Complete Boiler Replacements at Northeast Elelmentary School
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Westbrook and Rockville Armories Heating System Replacement
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Boiler Replacement and DA Repairs
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The project was to perform building repairs addressing interior configuration, life/safety, energy conservation and utility systems which were designed to provide enhanced modern living conditions for military cadets. Increased programmed functions such as laundry, storage, day rooms, study rooms, TAC offices, barrack rooms and latrines. The work also included repairs to failing rooftop equipment, mechanical systems, fire suppression and water supply systems, controls, heating and ventilation systems and plumbing systems
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Central Heating Plant Upgrade Project
Connecticut College hired CT Mechanical Contractor All State Construction to perform a Central Heating Plant Upgrade Project. The project entailed installation of four new 12,070 PPH water tube boilers, pumps, piping, insulation, boiler breeching and stacks.
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Abatement of Asbestos of existing mechanical systems. All State Construction worked within affected buildings including removal of existing mechanical plumbing and electrical systems in each room and the replacement of new mechanical and plumbing, piping, equipment and electrical to provide a complete active system. All State also provided an energy supply, including oil, gas and steam supply systems.
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Power Plant Boiler Replacement
Building 29 Power Plant Boiler Replacement included the demolition of boiler 4 , its control panel, ID fan, FD fan, motor drive and main stack. All State Construction installed two new 1,200 HP low Nox Combination gas oil fired steam boiler, including economizers, draft fans, exterior stacks, deaerator, boiler feed pumps and piping connections to existing systems.
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Upgrade of the Central Heating Plant
The Upgrade of the Central Heating Plant at SUNY consisted of the replacement of the existing Boiler No. 8 with a new 52,000 PPH high pressure steam packaged water tube boiler, modifying Boilers No. 4 & 5, installing new stacks, demolition of existing 336,000 gallon above ground fuel oil storage tank and five existing 25,000 gallon underground fuel oil storage tanks along with the installation of two 30,000 gallon underground storage tank. All State also demolished and reconstructed a new control room.
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Mechanical Contractor for the new Residence Hall.
All State Construction provided all of the mechanical work for Bergoglio Hall, the new three-story 80,000-square-foot Residence Hall at Sacred Heart University, new home to over 200 sophomore students.
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East Campus Boiler Replacement
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Mechanical Contractor for the renovations of MacArthur Long Barracks
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